Storing Your Boat For The Winter Months

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Making Moving An Adventure

I have always absolutely loved seeing new places and doing new things, which is probably why moving has never been difficult for me. I like new challenges, which is why I volunteered at my job to work at field offices across the globe. Although the moving process was a little bit overwhelming at first, emotionally it was an adventure, so I worked hard to make the entire process into a great experience. Within a few months, things had really become a lot better, and we were enjoying an excellent new town every few years. Read this website to find out how to make moving a little more fun.


Storing Your Boat For The Winter Months

22 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a boat, winterizing and storing it during the cold months is important to keep the boat in good shape and ready to use for the next season. The snow and cold weather that comes with winter can damage the boat badly if it is not stored properly, so it is critical to get it done right.

Winterizing the Motor

For boats that use liquid cooling, the water must be drained out and replaced with antifreeze for the winter. Along with that, the lower unit oil should be drained because there is always chance water got in during the boating season and you didn't know it. If the water freezes inside the lower unit, it can crack the case and require costly repairs. 

The boat should be cleaned thoroughly before it is put away and if it is going to be stored outside, you need to protect it from the elements. Placing a tarp over the boat and securing it tightly can help but there are better options that will protect the boat through harsh weather.

Wrap the Boat

Installing a wrap on the boat is one of the best ways to protect it from the elements. The wrap is made from high-strength plastic and is stretched over the boat then heat is used to shrink it. The result is a tight shell that is very strong and can be easily removed in the spring. 

Some companies install wraps that have zippers in them so that you can still access the boat during the winter as well. the zippers are strong and are part of the shrink wrap so they can not pull out but they are not really intended to be used daily. If you need access to the boat, they give you that but use care when opening and closing them.

Indoor Storage

Another option that may be more appealing to you is renting an indoor storage space for your boat. You can get a spot in a heated area that will allow you to park the boat and not worry about the weather getting to it. The boat is also protected against theft or vandalism because it is locked up inside where no one but you can get to it. Often, marinas offer storage facilities like this but check with them early so you can reserve a spot for your boat. If they have limited space, you don't want to be left out in the cold.

For more information, talk to a local boat storage facility.